When you use personality tests to gauge a potential candidate’s skills, you aren’t just analyzing cognitive ability, you are also analyzing the ‘Big Five’. What are the Big Five? “In psychology, the Big Five personality traits are five broad domains or dimensions of personality that are used to describe human personality.” The five traits are:

  • Extraversionthebigfivepainlesshire
  • Emotional stability/Neuroticism
  • Openness to experience
  • Agreeableness
  • Conscientiousness

The five traits are simple. Extraversion displays a level of positive energy and emotions. This trait can also display whether someone can be assertive in the workplace as well as possess the necessary social skills. Emotional stability and Neuroticism are also important personality traits to test for. How well can a person handle their emotions? Knowing how to control emotions in a high-stress work environment is critical. More importantly, testing major personality traits such as a person’s level of agreeableness, and whether a potential candidate is willing to be open to experience, learning, and change in work environment can be important when looking for a team that can work well for you.

Why are these five traits important in the workplace? It has become widely believed that the Big Five can help predict future performance. You want a team of people that can work together well. That is how you keep your business running smoothly. Without a personality test being administered during the employment process, you may end up hiring an entire team whose members possess no traits beneficial to your business. This can wreak havoc in the workplace. By using pre-employment testing, you have the opportunity to hire a team that will not only keep your business running, but will also facilitate its growth.

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