All too often, recruiting agencies are about numbers. How many positions they can fill, how quickly they can fill them, and meeting quotas set by their management. As a result of this many details are over looked during the hiring process. How well can the candidate work in group environments? What makes them stand out? How well would the candidate fit into the current company’s culture? These questions are ignored when your business works with a general agency. Below are the top five reasons you should be working with an all inclusive niche agency.
- A one on one approach means there is a far more personalized interaction. Taking the time to sit face to face with a recruiter is a huge task alone, but knowing that the recruiter you are working with is willing to listen to your wants and needs to help find the optimal employee for your business is rare; and listening is critical.
- A niche agency will go above and beyond to find you the optimal employee. Recruiters that care about results will think outside of the box to find your next star employee. Settling for a
resume search on a generic job board just isn’t enough.
- Added services are also provided by small niche agencies that want you to only have the best. When recruiters have to aim for high numbers to meet a quota, there is no time for additional services. How could they find the optimal employee while only providing the bare minimum?
- Two words: employee testing. Don’t rely on a piece of paper outlining dates of employment. That is far less accurate. Rather, testing the cognitive skills of a future employee can determine whether the future candidate has the skill to self manage. Furthermore, fine tuned testing focusing on math, reading and writing skills can prove whether the future employee has the capacity to think outside of the box and on their feet.
- And the biggest reason you should be working with a smaller niche agency? Time and money saved. By utilizing a small staff willing to cater to your wants and needs, you have a better chance of eliminating turnover and hiring stress; And that is worth saving money.