Do you struggle to find employees willing to invest themselves in their work? Are you struggling with a high turnover rate?

This is a common problem faced by businesses worldwide. And you are not alone. Every day, hundreds of employers set out to find employees willing to step up and fill positions necessary to keep the office, business or company running.

Many times, the employee hired does not meet expectations. Whrevenuey is this a common problem? Thirty four percent of surveyed employers said it simply did not work out. A small number of employers also stated that over time, they did not research or test the employee’s skills as well as they should have, nor did they complete adequate reference checks.
Hiring a bad employee goes beyond the financial bottom line. A bad employee can affect office morale and productivity. Many employers notice an increase in lost worker productivity, lost time due to recruiting and training another worker, and the expense that comes with recruiting and training. That is not the most efficient way to operate a business.

The U.S. Department of Labor currently estimates that the average cost of a bad hiring decision can equal thirty percent of the individual’s first year potential earnings. For some small businesses, multiple bad hires can equal a full year of profit.

There are ways to prevent these mistakes and hire valuable employees to save you time, money and resources. This is where Painless Hire comes in. By testing future applicants and measuring their basic skills including reading, writing, mathematics and cognitive abilities, we are able to sift through hundreds of potential candidates and find an exceptional employee for your business.



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